Sunday, April 20, 2014

Reading Blog

Spooky Campfire Tales

It might sound like a children's book, but it is actually two-hundred pages of about thirty short, scary stories. I found it in my room, read the back, and decided to give it a try. Some of the stories weren't actually that scary, just kind of weird and supernatural; while others were more like long descriptions of a host or monster encounter rather than a story. However, some of them built suspense - and were scary as I read them. The best ones had good, twist endings that tied the story together - sort of like a punchline of a joke. I enjoyed parts of the book, although it's definitely not for everyone - given the content (everything from demons to werewolves to witches to ghosts). Because this book didn't have one continuos story and long lasting characters, it was a little weird to read. However, if you like short stories and or scary stories, perhaps you could give this a try.


  1. This actually sounds really interesting, even if it will probably scare me to death. Thanks for the reccommendation.

  2. I have always been interested in ghost stories and ghost stories about death, sounds good

  3. I read a book with this writing style few years a go and I really like it. Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. what were the names of the stories that you thought were pretty good, and you should bring the book on the trip
