Wednesday, March 26, 2014

SOL 26/31

It was the last day of my debate matrix, and we were doing fun debates as a little celebration. I was debating with Kyra. We Were debating against two other people, although I don't remember who. The debate was: Who is better? the wolf from little red riding hood, or the wolf from the three little pigs. Our argument was that the wolf from little red riding hood was better, and there argument was that the wolf from the three little pigs was better.

They made some kind of ridiculous argument, like: The three little pigs wolf is big and strong and destroys houses with his breath! or something like that. We countered their argument, and argued that are wolf was big and scary and sneaky. Just before the debate was about to end, I delivered one line that I am proud of to this day. I said: 

"The wolf from little red riding hood is scary, and sneaky, and smart. Their wolf, however; well he just blows."

After a short pause, several members of the audience yelled out, or laughed, or cheered. My opponents looked frustrated and surprised. I had a huge grin on my face.

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